Professional mountaineering enthusiasts need to be equipped with professional equipment to ensure the safety of themselves and others. Among them, the carabiner is a piece of essential mountaineering equipment. However, due to the wide variety of carabiners, different carabiners have different uses and methods of use. This is not friendly to inexperienced mountaineers.

  1. Types of the carabiner

   There are many types of the carabiner. For example, straight gate carabiner, d shaped carabiner auto locking carabiners, 3 ring carabiner, etc. These carabiner buckles are roughly similar in appearance but differ in shape and design. The main reason for these differences is their different uses and methods of use. And the size of the carabiner required is also different according to different conditions of use. Of course, mountaineering is not a short-term physical exertion process. Considering to reduce the load of climbers, we also provide small auto-locking carabiners such as discount carabiners and lightweight carabiners.

climbing carabiners in bulk

  1. The quality of the carabiner

  The quality of a carabiner depends entirely on carabiner hook manufacturers. Most of the lock items on the market are not real carabiners, and they have the shape of a carabiner. These cheap carabiners are only used to hang lightweight items such as kettles in daily life. But never use them for high-intensity exercise, whether it’s hanging heavy objects or cable drops. The cheap carabiner is often made of cheap scrap metal, and some are even made of plastic. You can imagine their level of force.


The above are the two issues that should be paid attention to when purchasing a carabiner. These two points are the most basic measurement standards. For more relevant knowledge, please consult professional insiders or contact us. We have been providing high-quality lock products to customers worldwide, and the product quality is excellent, which can almost meet the relevant industry standards in various regions. Please get in touch with us for more information.